Monday, October 27, 2008

My first blog

I am new to this. My sister Mary set it up for me so she has someone to blog with. I have 4 children and 1 daughter in law. Clint 24 & Jill 23, Sara 17, Adam 14, and David 11. Clint and Jill have been married for about 2 1/2 years and recently baught a home in Pleasant Grove. Jill is a medical assistant and works for a pediatrition. Clint works for a pre cast concret company and is a valenteer for the fire department. Sara is a senior in high school and is a certified nurse assistant. She is taking a class to be a medical assistant and will be done with that by the time she graduates from high school. Adam is in 9th grade and thinks he is all that. You know that to cool for anybody. He is playing football and his team is doing real good. They are undefeted. Tomarrow is there first terniment game so we will see how they do in the terniment. Adam is working on his Eagle project. He is about 1/2 way done with it. I will be glad to have it all done. David is in 6th grade and still loves mom and doesn't think that I am to weird, yet. To bad that wont last. David also played football. He was not on quite as good of a team as Adam. Daivds team won one game. There last game was last Thursday and David danced all the way to the car being excited that he was finally done. He is working hard in scouts and goes to his first scout pow wow this Sat.

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